Holders of the bond have lent money for which they receive a fixed rate of interest over a set period of time. 债券的持有人将资金借贷出去一个特定时期以获得固定的利率。
The banks are lending money at a competitive rate of interest. 银行竞相以低利率贷款。
Money that has been loaned to city councils by the central government can be repaid as a low rate of interest. 中央政府贷给市政议会的款子可以以低息偿还。
Hard money lenders will charge a much higher rate of interest than mortgage companies and other fees. The society was maintained out of public moneys. 民间放款业者会向你收取比抵押贷款公司搞很多的利息,还会加收其他费用。该会社是用公款维持的。
They will only lend out money at a high rate of interest. 他们要按高利息才贷出款子。
Money on loan generally at a fixed rate of interest, is called debentures notes or bonds. 定期债券,通常有一个固定的利息,常称为债券、票或公债。
They are advised to put their money into companies offering a low rate of interest but little risk. 人们劝告他们把钱投入到利润低但风险小的公司里。
He treated money as an asset. The public desire to hold this asset depended on incomes, the rate of interest and expected inflation. 他将货币视为一种资产,公众持有这种资产的意愿取决于收入水平、利率和预期通货膨胀率。
In many cases, these funds have received backing from the Chinese national social security fund, as well as a network of wealthy individuals who have been put off keeping their money in the bank when the rate of interest on deposits remains in negative territory. 在很多情况下,这些基金得到了中国社保基金和一些富人的支持,在银行存款实际利率为负值的情况下,这些富人不愿把自己的钱存在银行里。
Basic Money Supply, Change of Inter-Bank Operating Rate and Market Oriented Reform of Interest Rate: the Experimental Analysis of Relationship between Inter-Bank Operating Rate and Basic Money Supply and Its Meaning 基础货币供给、银行同业拆借利率的变动与利率市场化改革&我国银行同业拆借利率与基础货币供应关系的实证及其含义
Part VI of the money market benchmark interest rate, drawing on the successful experience of Libor, for China to find a reasonable benchmark money market interest rates that direction. 第六部分探讨了货币市场基准利率,借鉴了Libor的成功经验,为我国寻找合理的货币市场基准利率指出方向。
The standard for comparison in money market and capital market is the relative rate of stock returns relative interest rate, from the perspective of the stock market. 在货币市场和资本市场之间比较的标准是相对收益率,从股票市场的角度分析就是股票市场收益率相对利率的变化情况。
The benchmark interest rate of money market, which is also the one of the whole financial market, is the core of the entire interest rate system. Its establishment is the precondition of the success of interest rate marketization. 货币市场基准利率是整个金融市场的基准利率,在整个利率体系中处于核心地位,它的确立是利率市场化成功的先决条件。